Gratitude and Kindness Relaxation

We’d like to share our new kindness and gratitute relaxation audio with you.

To support you as you move into 2021 with health, hope and balance.

Gratitute and kindness have been shown to dial down our stress hormone cortisol, and increase our feel-good mood regulators - Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxytocin.

Listen to or download the recording here.

2020 has shown up differently for everyone around the world with challenges and opportunities for growth and reflection at every stage.

For some there has been a sense of loss whether this is work, the office, school, identity, health, loved ones, community, traditions, and travel.

For others there has been a sense of overwhelm lockdown, home-schooling, caring for others, working, booking supermarket deliveries, queuing to buy essentials, loneliness, fear and uncertainty.

There have also been amazing acts of kindness as people come together in community to support each other from our frontline workers, our neighbours and strangers.

As I reflect on 2020 the three things I am most grateful for:

  1. My Family and friends

  2. Health

  3. Mindfulness and yoga.

What three things are you most grateful for this year?