Gratitude and Kindness Relaxation

We’d like to share our new kindness and gratitute relaxation audio with you.

To support you as you move into 2021 with health, hope and balance.

Gratitute and kindness have been shown to dial down our stress hormone cortisol, and increase our feel-good mood regulators - Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxytocin.

Listen to or download the recording here.

2020 has shown up differently for everyone around the world with challenges and opportunities for growth and reflection at every stage.

For some there has been a sense of loss whether this is work, the office, school, identity, health, loved ones, community, traditions, and travel.

For others there has been a sense of overwhelm lockdown, home-schooling, caring for others, working, booking supermarket deliveries, queuing to buy essentials, loneliness, fear and uncertainty.

There have also been amazing acts of kindness as people come together in community to support each other from our frontline workers, our neighbours and strangers.

As I reflect on 2020 the three things I am most grateful for:

  1. My Family and friends

  2. Health

  3. Mindfulness and yoga.

What three things are you most grateful for this year?

The 6-Minute Pause Body Scan - experience a mini holiday at your desk.

Do you want to recreate that holiday feeling of energy and relaxation in just 6-minutes?

Tune in to The 6-Minute Pause Body Scan to experience a mini holiday any time you need to - you don’t even have to move from your desk.

This is one of our top 3 most requested “Pauses” to relieve tension in your mind, body and energy.

Listen to or download the recording here.


This makes me feel like I have had a really good rest. We don’t often realise we are tense and need something like this. It will be part of my daily routine from now on.
— Manager - International Food Company
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The 6-Minute Pause - free audio recording to reduce stress, anxiety, and Zoom fatigue.

In these times there’s never been a greater need to look after our mental health and wellbeing.

2020 is proving to be a challenging year for most of us around the globe, as we adapt to uncertainty and change at a rapid pace.

To support our mental health and wellbeing we’d like to share with you The 6-Minute Pause.

It’s our most requested and most successful tool based on all our mindfulness and wellbeing sessions globally.

You can practice this before or after meetings, before going to sleep, during the commute, at times when overwhelmed with your work life balance, or just whenever you need to check in with yourself and feel calm, re-energised and focused.

Here’s the the link to the audio recording. All you need to do is find a 6 minute slot in your schedule and listen.

Listen to or download the recording here.

The 6-Minute Pause has helped me through some difficult times at work and at home during Covid-19. After listening I feel focused, calm and energised.
— Lawyer, Asia Pacific

"It's the first time I've stopped in weeks"

It’s always good to know how different people experience mindfulness and how it affects them.

A recurring feedback from the attendees at our workshops, 1-2-1s and free Mindfulness Monday sessions around the world is the ability to switch off from the busyness and overwhelm that’s going on at the moment.

As Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK draws to a close, the Pause Before invites you to think of one random act of kindness you can do for yourself today.

Give yourself a break and come to our free Mindfulness Monday sessions at 9 am BST (6 pm AEST) to “stop” and re-set your mind, body and energy for the week ahead.

Sign up here -

Mindfulness for Screenwriters at London Screenwriters' Festival 365 Online

Ever wondered what the link is between your favourite film or TV show and mindfulness?

The Pause Before is excited to be supporting one of its longest running partners, the London Screenwriters’ Festival as they move online and ensure “the show must go on”.

Storytelling is one of the oldest and most popular mediums in life and business today. If you are looking to share your story, write the next blockbuster, understand the tools and techniques of story-telling from the experts or watch some amazing films with their actual screenwriter then this is the Festival for you. Join live or watch the recorded sessions at your leisure - there is something for everyone.

The research on Mindfulness and creativity is well known. Recent research by the University of Rotterdam found that people who practised mindfulness for 10 minutes per day came up with more ideas showing the important link between mindfulness and divergent thinking - a key attribute in the best screenwriters.

Here are our favourite Top 3 mindfulness scenes in film:-

  1. Karate Kid 2 - “Breathe in, breathe out scene” - using breath to centre and check in with yourself.

  2. Dirty Dancing - “Log dancing scene“ - sense your surrounding to learn balance

  3. Star Wars Rogue One - “One with the Force scene” - using an affirmation to focus his performance

Grab your popcorn and sign up to something new today

Do you schedule quiet time into your day?

When do you schedule your daily quiet time?

Join us every Monday at 9 am UK time / 6pm AEST for 20 minutes of free, scheduled quiet time with a like minded community.

Pop it in your diary now and give yourself the time and quiet that your body and mind are craving.

Set your week off to the right start, where you are more productive, creative, focused and calm. Give yourself more time to focus on the things that really matter to you.

Since lock-down for many of us the word noise has taken on a whole new meaning. More urgent deadlines, more uncertainty, juggling home-schooling, supporting our communities, super-market runs and queues to navigate, back to back virtual meetings, long hours at the laptop - the list goes on.

Neuro-science has shown time and time again that silence resets our nervous system to help us manage our energy levels, resilience and creativity. It’s where we have our best ideas and find solutions to those problems. How many of you have had that eureka moment when brushing your teeth or washing up?

  • Duke University recently found in periods of silence we generate new cells in the brain linked to learning and memory.

  • Luciano Bernardi, a renowned professor of internal medicine discovered that the gap in between relaxing music was more beneficial to the heart and respiratory systems than the relaxing music itself!

Follow these 3 simple steps to include quiet time in your day:-

  1. Go for a walk outside in nature and observe the things around you;

  2. Pause between meetings - if you set meetings to be 45 minutes instead of an hour then you can get time back to incorporate a pause for breathing or mindfulness, and avoid the stress of back to back meetings;

  3. Social media detox - log off social media, TV, email. Be curious about what effects this has on you and how you feel.

Schedule quiet time into your day. Sign up for Mindfulness Monday to practise the techniques that your body and mind are craving.

(Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash)

What are you doing to keep your own lights on?

HR Professionals and Managers - what are you doing to keep your own lights on?

Everywhere we look the new buzzword seems to be “we just need to keep the lights on.”

For HR Professionals and Managers working tirelessly around the clock, what are they doing to keep their own lights and energy shining to ensure they don’t burn out.

10 minutes of mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress, and improve self-awareness and compassion, focus, and executive functioning for clarity of thinking. Just what we need in these uncertain times.

We are offering a free 20 minutes mindfulness session over Zoom at you next team meeting to support you in these difficult times.

Contact us here at The Pause Before.